social media consutlant types

5 Types of Social Media Consultant

The beauty of today’s society is that we have so many service options available to us. Your consultant and you need to get on in order to build a relationship that works for the business.

You should look at your own personality before deciding who to choose as a social media consultant. Someone more extroverted might be on your wave length than an introvert and vice versa.

Here’s a few social media consultant types you should understand.

The Confident Influencer

These social media consultants are excellent at gaining attention online. They are more suited to PR than social but prefer the social brand as it’s trending over the last few years. 

Their channels will most likely a few thousand followers, and they promise to do the same with your business. 

Sometimes can lack analytical knowledge and get more focused on irrelevant numbers such as followers rather than engagement and revenue. 

This type of social media consultant can be very good for high end consumer goods, design or travel. 

You’ll know this type of consultant by their demeanour. Usually, a bit louder and relies on confidence rather than strategic knowledge. 

The Guru Hater

Loves talking numbers and hates influencers. The opposite of the social influencer this consultant will focus on numbers and will often take the piss out of the influencer world. 

They’ll talk about numbers, reporting, creative business concepts and outcomes. 

Excellent for small business owners who lack a hefty budget to build their brand quickly. 

They can focus a lot on reporting tools such Facebook Insights, Sprout Social and SEMrush

The Data Miner 

This social media consultant will purely focus on numbers. Looking at competitor posting stats, previous performance and Google Analytics, this consultant will craft a growth strategy based on spreadsheets. 

They’ll use UTM’s on everything (tracking links) to see what every post or audience performance is working. 

Researching like this puts their consultancy fees at more expensive pricing. The results take a while to craft and can be extremely useful for multiple departments including media buying, SEO, marketing, customer service and product creation. 

The Pro

Will have proven successes in multiple industries and be able to craft strategies based on experience and market trends. 

This social media consultant will often focus on economic conditions, what the best interests of your business are compared to what your customers will love. 

You’ll often hear A/B split testing discussed as a way to determine an outcome for their hypothesis. 

Google Data Studio will be their best friend. 

The Chill Consultant 

This social media consultant will generally listen to what you have to say for awhile. They’ll want to hear what you as the owner feels is right for your business. 

They’ll then try and tailor a strategy that seeks to meet all requirements. 

Blending creativity, data and strategy this social media consultant will try and push campaigns that meet the criteria of everyone. 

Using testing software they’ll use results to help the business owner move towards a new way of thinking.

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